The Bible tells us of a time when world events will collide in a world-wide cataclysm. We are seeing what appears to be the finals acts of that day.

The Bible warns us of wars and rumors of wars, nations rising against nations, earthquakes, famines, drought, disease and death. We are warned of false Messiahs, a horrific persecution of Christians, world-wide and a great falling away from the faith.

All of these things have already occurred and have been ongoing since the death and resurrection of Jesus except the Apostasy, the great falling away, but now have signs that the Apostasy has begun.

We are told that “AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS”, seemingly the first FIVE SEALS as described above and in the book of Matthew chapter 24 and the book of Revelation chapters 6 and 7, the world will witness great cosmic disturbances as never seen by mankind.

During these times, the Bible (Daniel and Revelation) foretells of coming a World Government, headed by a highly intelligent and charismatic individual who is able to lead a great and fierce army, conquering many. He will be able to deceive many and to do miraculous deeds, and will take control of a worldwide empire and the lives of every person on earth.

I have outlined the SEALS of the Tribulation, below for easy reference in order to point out what is now at hand. I am showing Jesus Word to His disciples, taken from the book of Matthew, chapter 24, and I have added the corollary verses from the Book of Revelation (I have not gone into the Trumpet and Bowl judgements): Click these scrolls image for more.

Seals of the tribulation.jpg

Your Brother and Friend,

Mike Young

MORE great reading on these matters: