The “7 Hills” of Rome


The Seven Hills of Rome

The seven hills of Rome have often been associated with “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS”. We find in this reference in Revelation 17:1, “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,

verse 2. With whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality.”

verse 3.  And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns.

verse 4. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality,

verse 5.  And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery,

verse 9.  Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.”

(Italian: Sette colli di Roma [ˈsɛtte ˈkɔlli di ˈroːma], Latin: Septem colles/montes Romae) east of the river Tiber forms the geographical heart of Rome, within the walls of the city.

The seven hills are:

  1. Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino)
  2. Caelian Hill (Cælius, Celio)
  3. Capitoline Hill (Capitolinus, Campidoglio)
  4. Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino)
  5. Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino)
  6. Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale)
  7. Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale)

(The Vatican Hill (Latin Collis Vaticanus) lying northwest of the Tiber, the Pincian Hill (Latin Mons Pincius), lying to the north, and the Janiculum Hill (Latin Ianiculum), lying to the west, are not counted among the traditional Seven Hills, being outside the boundaries of the ancient city of Rome.)

Herein lies the problems – or mistakes – which many people make about this representing a revived Roman Empire or the Papacy as being the Great Harlot:

  1. Verse 10 of Revelation 17 says otherwise: Revelation 17:9 , 10 “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while.”

First, the word used is mountains – not hills – (and clearly, the Bible uses the specific word for MOUNTAINS in this verse)

Secondly, verse 10 clearly tells us they are not even “mountains” – they are SEVEN KINGS!

Thirdly, the Greek word used not only means “MOUNTAIN”, it carries the idea TO RISE UP, TO ELEVATE, to take upon one’s self and carry what has been raised up, to bear upon oneself. A very good description of assuming power or to be elevated in rank or power – as a KING.

Next, these verses go on to tell us that “five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come;” Be sure that there have never been 5 fallen Kings from these hills of Rome.

Finally, there have been Kings, which are called by name, in Ezekiel 38 which can be traced to MECCA, in modern day Saudi Arabia – and they are Islamic as in Ezekiel 38? The Great Harlot?

Let the reader beware!

In conclusion, what does it matter? It helps us know how near is the Day of the Lord and how urgent the message, and, hopefully, will move us to be doing what Jesus commanded us to do!

Your Brother and Friend,


Mike Young

Additional reading:

The Mystery of Babylon – The 7 Hills

What are the 70 of Sevens (Daniel’s 70 Weeks)

The Christian Betrayal of Jesus

When does the 7 Years of Tribulation Begin