New Testament VS Old Testament?



I hear people say they don’t need the Old Testament, because it is the Old Covenant and it was satisfied and replace by the New Covenant which was the coming of Jesus.

If you read and apply only the New Testament, you don’t know WHY and HOW of what you believe. You only have a partial understanding.

If you read and apply only the Old Testament, you don’t know the WHAT and WHEN of what you believe. You only have a partial understanding.

The NEW TESTAMENT is built upon the OLD TESTAMENT.

The Old Testament is the foundation upon which the New Testament is built.

To simplify:

The Old Testament tells us what we are NOT to do, for our own safety, protection, health and well being.

Once we know the boundaries found in the Old Testament, The New Testament tells us what we CAN do efficiently, effectively, with purpose, by the power of God through Christ Jesus.

The Old Testament tells us how it all began and what is coming.

The New Testament tells us what has come and how it all will end.

Saying you don’t need The New or The Old Testaments is foolish, and shows a lack of understanding of the Bible and can be hazardous to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Let’s make certain we know the HOW, WHY, WHAT and WHEN of the entire counsel of God’s Word so we can be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Now, LET’S GO and get this done. The times require it and you are needed!

Your Brother and Friend

“In the Firm Grip of Christ”

Mike Young
