Servants & Stewards?

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Servants & Stewards

It’s not what it sounds like.

“This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” – The Apostle, Paul, 1 Corinthians 4:1,2

Most in the Church, and even more outside of the Church, get this wrong. Very wrong.

This is important, because when we have our role and responsibilities wrong, we lose our effectiveness. We miss the mark. We will have ceased to be the “Salt & Light” of the earth. Many, even now, see us as just another competing religion.

The most pious among us think that being a Servant & a Steward is about ‘serving others’ through volunteerism, acts of ‘social justice’, good works through charitable giving or acts of service, tithing or being a treasurer in the church. Most of these can be very good things. But, read what the Bible (the Apostle Paul) says about being

Servants of Christ


Stewards of the mysteries of God

Servants of Christ:

I have read several commentaries on “Servants” and most translate Paul’s use of this word as “Doulos”, which is, indeed, ‘servant’, more literally “a slave or bondservant, someone who sets aside all rights of his own to serve another.” Because the word slave carries such a negative connotation to our modern sensitivities, we often choose the word servant instead. However, servant does not quite capture the real meaning of doulos. Paul said he was a “slave” to Christ.

But, that is not the word Paul uses. Paul says we should regard ourselves as “huperetes”

servants which are ‘under-rowers’, a subordinates. Anyone who serves with his hands: of the attendants of a king, servants, retinue, the soldiers of a king, of the attendant of a synagogue, of any one ministering or rendering service, an assistant. In this case, as a servant of Christ, a preacher of the gospel.

This applies to those called to the office of Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist

and to all of us who are the Body of Christ,

although Pastors/Teachers shall be held to a stricter judgment

(To Wit: 1 Peter 2: v5 “You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

v9 “But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”)

We serve at the direction and pleasure of our Lord, executing His plan of Grace, Mercy and Sovereignty.

Stewards of the mysteries of God:

This is best explained in Colossians 2:2,3 “… God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

More can be said.

Our Master, Jesus, has given us instructions in His Word and expects those who profess His name to know them. As we learn more, we do better. Servants of Christ put into practice all they learn about pleasing their Lord. While He has specific jobs for each of us according to the gifts and opportunities He provides, some requirements are universal for anyone called to be a servant of Christ:

• Continue in faith.
• Destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God
• Take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
• Pursue holy living (1 Peter 1:14–16).
• Daily crucify the lusts of the flesh (Romans 6:1–6).
• Love brothers and sisters in the faith (1 John 3:14–15).
• Store up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:19–20).
• Eagerly await the Master’s return (Revelation 22:20; 2 Timothy 4:8).

Servants of Christ do their work humbly and selflessly, desiring only to please their benevolent Master. There’s no pretension, no self-importance, no compensation-seeking in true servanthood. Jesus reminds us of the lowly place a servant occupies: “You also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty’” (Luke 17:10, ESV).

Servants of Christ consider their lives on earth as a brief time of preparation for eternity. The hardships and struggles we must face while in the flesh will be far outmatched by the glory and reward awaiting us (2 Corinthians 4:17). Just as a servant who loves his master lives for the master’s approval, so servants of Christ live for the moment He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master!” (Matthew 25:21, 23)

We are being told to ‘defend the faith’ and are being taught all about ‘apologetics’, but in fact, very few can do this in daily life, at least, not the way we are being taught.

So, do this: BELIEVE ON THE ONE WHOM HE HAS SENT and then live like that.

Tell others about that.

Speak it aloud.

It is time because the spirit of antichrist is here (click image):

Your Friend and Brother,

Mike Young

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