An Invitation (a Calling)



This is a problem for many people in their personal experiences.

People have great capacity to make a difference in their communities and the world, but rather than being engaged in such ventures for the Kingdom, they are being enlisted to hand out bulletins at door number six and serve on some dormant, ineffective committee.

How about your experience? Think about the individuals you know within your spheres of influence. Do you not see numerous individuals who have the capacity to impact the world? They are all around you. “They have gifts, skills, experiences, abilities, strengths and passions to solve the problems of society.

Think about yourself. Do you not have passions and abilities that you feel like are not being fully utilized?

Could you not make a greater difference in the Kingdom of God if you discovered your God-given mission (and were trained and permitted to use it)?

Do you often feel overworked and less than effective in your service?

“Or worse still, are you merely sitting on the sidelines watching others?

The vast majority of churches and non-profit organizations do not know how to mobilize this tremendous force for the Kingdom of God.

The best they can do is to persuade people to fill in the multitude of slots in their “we are doing everything” programs.”

The Bible tells us, and studies verify, that having a meaningful PURPOSE in your life to get up to each day, can improve your health and extend your life. Serving God with PURPOSE is healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:8)

I am inviting you to join us as we join together with Jesus, in His Cause. We need your help establishing teaching centers and small group learning centers.

We are distinctively Christian and Biblical in our approach to all our ministry activities.

Furthermore, we need hosts and facilitators, and we provide come-with-us training.

Contact me and let’s go to the Harvest Fields of our neighborhoods, marketplaces and churches, together. Use the form below to contact me – and thank you!

Your Brother and Friend,

Mike Young

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