The Revelation of Jesus Christ – that even you and I can understand and use immediately – Episode 1




(Presented In a Way So Even You and I Can Understand and Apply Its Truth. These Episodes are not meant to ask and answer just the question “What”, but they are meant to answer the question, “SO WHAT?”)

The interest, and yes, even the demand for teaching on the Book of The Revelation is on the rise. It has always been a wildly popular subject, especially among Christians.

The problem associated with teaching and learning about this Book is its complexity, and the odd and even weird hard-to-understand imagery, and that it cannot be studied and fully understood without references to scores of other scriptures throughout the Bible. The Book of The Revelation explains and foretells the history of all creation, from the beginning to its end. Its scarlet threads can be found woven throughout the prophet books of Daniel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Joel, Amos, Psalms, Zephaniah, and Ezekiel.

As a result, most of those who begin a study on the Book of The Revelation either quit before it is completed or they finish the study with more questions than when they began – and with very little idea of what to do with what they have read and heard.

This task not only seems monumental – it is monumental! It can be likened to the quote and answer, “How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time!”

The Book of the Revelation – The Run-up

A study of the Book of the Revelation cannot and should not be studied as a standalone book. Most studies of this Book normally begin with Revelation chapter 1 and verse 1, and will conclude with Revelation chapter 22 and verse 21.  Naturally, there are references and cross-references to other books of the Bible which must be made.

However, such a study should be done within the longer narrative of the entire Bible, its historicity, through the lens of eschatology. Otherwise it can be interminably confusing and bewildering, and subject to wide speculation.

As a standalone study, the reader or student can get the main points about God’s Judgements, humankind suffering, salvation and the ultimate destruction of evil. You would read about astronomical and physical cataclysms, great military conflicts, political intrigue, wars and rumors of wars. You can read to experience God supernatural intervention into the affairs of humankind, complete with unintelligible symbolism and imagery.

If, however, it is studied as part of the total narrative of God’s Complete Plan for His creation, from Genesis to the Revelation, you get a more complete understanding of God’s Plan, Purpose, Methods and Reason for the End of Days, God’s Judgements by way of The Great Tribulation, The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and The Wrath of the Lamb.

All of which includes affects you, the reader, directly – as well as all the earth and its inhabitants, the heavens, and the entire cosmos.

The details and the purpose of the book of the Revelation will become clearer if taken in ‘small bites’ – even with the wild imagery, metaphors and the allegories used by an ancient people to describe futuristic technology and events.

So, at the risk of losing readers and students to these videos, I will start with an overview, (small bites), a 12-minute video on this exciting book. This is a 12-minute video, covering chapters one through eleven. A second video, found later in another episode, is also about 12 minutes long and covers chapters twelve through twenty-two. (After viewing these videos, please continue with the following Episodes).

‘Small Bite’ Video #1, An overview of The Book of The Revelation, chapter 1 through chapter 11.


Your Brother and Friend,

Mike Young.

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