Paganism has swept and is sweeping America, violently invading our colleges, universities, our government and is influencing the Church – and your children are their target and method for growth.

(Please note: It is not enough too just to know what you are about to read, but you need to know how it affects you, how it affects your family and our world – AND HOW TO RESPOND. I am providing this brief article with information about ‘Woke-ism” and “Paganism”, how to protect yourself and your family and what you can do about it. One thing is certain: you cannot ignore it. It is after you and your children – and it won’t stop until it has you, unless you respond.)

It may seem strange to use the word, “Pagan”, to describe someone or an entire group of people. Pagan is such a misunderstood and archaic term. But it is exactly the right word to use here.

Pagans are diverse and varied people. The term Pagan comes from the Latin word paganus, which means “country dweller”; paganism can refer to polytheism, (the belief in many (false) gods), or the worship of more than one god, such as polytheism, as in ancient Rome. A pagan is also considered to be one who, for the most part, has no religion and indulges in worldly delights and material possessions; someone who revels in sensual pleasures; a hedonistic or self-indulgent individual.

Another, more modern term is neo-paganism, which refers to some of the contemporary forms of paganism such as Wicca, and Druidry.

Modern “pagan” practices are actually similar to their ancient counterparts in that they rely heavily on hedonism—sensual gratification and self-indulgence, and the pursuit of happiness and pleasure to the exclusion of everything else. In ancient times, sexual ceremonies were a major part of pagan religions. The Old Testament references these perverted religions in such passages as Deuteronomy 23:17, Amos 2:7–8, and Isaiah 57:7–8.

Though they are numerous and varied in their practices and beliefs, pagans do hold to some similar beliefs. For example:

  • The physical world is a good place, one to be taken pleasure in by everyone.
  • Everyone is considered to be part of this Mother Earth.
  • Divinity reveals itself in every facet of the world.
  • Every being, man and animal, is a derivative of the divine. As such, all are gods and goddess.
  • Most pagan religions do not have messiahs.
  • Doctrine is superseded by one’s own responsibility.
  • Solar and lunar cycles are significant in pagan worship.

From a Christian viewpoint, pagans are generally characterized as those who are caught up in any self-realized religious-seeming act, or practice that is NOT distinctly Christian, whereas some argue that a pagan can be anyone with no real religion at all. It is all about the self-created beliefs and feelings of the individual.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Furthermore, since they, (pagans), did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28).

In spite of common assumptions, most pagan ‘worshipers’ claim they don’t believe in Satan. However, there’s no question that Satan is their chief source of influence and control. Though they will deny it, they deify Satan in their worldly and sensual practices. Paul tells us plainly how Satan works in the lives of people without God, through his power, his signs, his deceit, and his lies.

Finally, Pagans can seem to be good guys, too, (but don’t let appearances fool you. If they don’t get their way, they can be an angry, violent, self-centered and vicious lot).

One of the most striking characteristics of Paganism is their dislike for an ‘absolute truth’ such as found in Judaism and Christianity. They even have a disdain for rules and regulations – particularly if the rules do not fit their personal habits, practices, belief system and worldview. In fact, saying they ‘dislike’ absolute truth is a gross understatement – they HATE it, and they will oppose it, even violently. This helps explain why so many Pagans hate Israel and traditional Christianity. (It also explains why our college campuses are aflame with the vitriol of ‘antisemitism’. It is an overt expression of Paganism.

However, let’s remember, as Christians, our quarrel is not with the flesh and blood person. Our quarrel is with root of evil, “the rulers, the powers, the world forces of darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places”. (see Ephesians 6, verse 12) It is these forces in the spiritual or the unseen realms, that directs their thoughts and actions – and this is the only place an effective and lasting offensive can be waged.)

It can be a tough distinction to make when you are face-to-face with a person who is pleasant at one moment, then suddenly and without warning becomes a quarrelsome and antagonistic person. Or when you are interacting with a ‘free spirit’ type who lives only for self-indulgence, and pleasure but finds any discipline too restrictive, beware. The outer person, so to speak, is like a shape-shifter. Appearing in the form that best suits their purposes for the moment, but always at-the-ready to reappear as a disagreeable, even violent foe. What lurks beneath the surface, behind the mask is not always what you expect.

Speaking to the Christian, Jew or to the social conservative, it is good to know that generally, Paganism, as it appears in politics, religion, education, science, medicine and in society at large, has the following opinions or policies as opposed to Biblical teachings:

  1. Paganism advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriage, whereas God created males and females, alone, to be married.
  2. Paganism advocates for the abolition of the death penalty whereas The Bible allows the death penalty for certain crimes.
  3. Paganism advocates for open and unrestricted immigration whereas The Bible allows for ‘borders’ but calls on believers to care for the foreigner and alien.
  4. Paganism advocates for increased taxation on the rich whereas The Bible encourages and teaches reliance on God and equal treatment, including taxation.
  5. Paganism advocates for Globalization and a One World Authority (Government) whereas The Bible warns of a coming, deadly, One World Authority (led by the anti-Christ and another beast-of-a-man).
  6. Paganism advocates for the reordering of society modeled after Marxism-Communism and Socialism whereas The Bible teaches a God-reliant government and rejects elitist authoritarianism (See the Tower of Babel).
  7. Paganism advocates for an Elitist Central governance whereas The Bible teaches and strongly suggests a representative style of government.
  8. Paganism advocates for a Marxist-Communist-Socialist government control of the economy whereas the Bible teaches personal responsibility and suggests a free market style of economy.
  9. Paganism advocates for a strong and powerful welfare state whereas The Bible teaches that the Church and Christians are primarily responsible for the widow, the orphan and the needy.
  10. Paganism advocates that there should be no free trade whereas The Bible encourages Free trade and entrepreneurialism.
  11. Paganism advocates for ‘Religion’ separate and abolished from government whereas The Bible teaches a system of representative government that relies on Biblical principles and reliance on God.
  12. Paganism advocates for free and unrestricted abortion whereas The Bible teaches protecting life, especially children and babies.
  13. Paganism advocates for government control through a heavy and progressive tax system whereas The Bible sets standards of fair and equitable taxation.
  14. Paganism advocates for the abolition of capitalism whereas The Bible teaches the rejection of Socialist style economies.
  15. Paganism advocates that the government should shape all aspect of life whereas The Bible says individuals, families and the Church should influence and shapes all aspects of life.
  16. Paganism advocates for restricted personal freedoms as dictated by government officials whereas The Bible teaches Jesus came to set us free for freedom’s sake.
  17. Paganism advocates for the abolition of religion or restructuring of religion through ecumenicalism with government oversight whereas The Bible rejects all false religions (those outside Christianity) and sets the standards for government to be run by the people.
  18. Paganism advocates for minorities populations to be shown unbalanced favor to amend for perceived past inequities (reparations) whereas The Bible teaches true equality.
  19. Paganism advocates that the private sector reports to government to restrict private equity growth whereas the Bible stipulates that secular government should have no part in private sector matters.
  20. Paganism advocates all the variations of LBGQT and transgender rights as superior to personal rights whereas The Bible teaches loving the sinner, but that those who practice LBGQT and transgenderism as aberrant and perverse, and such will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Bible teaches that Christians should be at peace with all people whenever and wherever possible. But since Paganism stands diametrically opposed to Conservatism, Christianity and Judaism on almost each and every issue, it is easy to see why the Pagans among us have declared war on Judaism and Christianity. (See “The Global March to Marxist-Communism, a.k.a., Paganism”).

Finally, below here are two great articles and videos from The Fuel Project to help inform you and to guide you in a Biblical Christian response to the very real and present threat.


I will close this article saying that you and I, as Christians, are not to hate anyone, even when and if they insult you, persecute you, falsely say all kinds of evil against you or to harm you because of your Christian faith, beliefs, standards and conduct. In fact, we are to love them in return. (see Matthew 5:38-42).

Your Brother and Friend,

Mike Young

Please see the articles and videos below:

  1. Know Your Enemy”, Part 1.

Exploring The New World Order From A Christian Perspective.

The name Babylon occurs in the Bible almost three-hundred times. The majority of those references are in the Old Testament – and with good reason. It was the first great city of the world. However, Babylon is much more than this. The Bible clearly and intriguingly states that “Mystery Babylon” is also the source of all abominations of the Earth (Revelation 17, verse 5) – a fountainhead of evil that began flowing through history thousands of years ago and which profoundly impacts the world today, in ways many don’t realize. Indeed, Revelation tells us that “Mystery Babylon” will survive until the end of time, when God finally judges it with terminal violence.

This series is a walk-through history that follows the threads, exposes the idolatry, the symbolism and thought-processes that originated in Babylon. We discover its influence in all false religion, astrology, freemasonry, world-famous landmarks, the theory of evolution, philosophy, the United Nations, the European Union and much more. We discover that ever since God scattered the Babylonians from the Tower of Babel back in Genesis 11, it has been Satan’s intention to reverse the process and bring the whole world back together again under a single world system, ruled by the Antichrist. Above all we learn how to recognize our enemy so that we will not be deceived and instead live with faith, hope, love and courage in the face of Babylon’s demonic schemes.

Know Your Ememy”, Part 2.

  1. TRENCH The Video – A Christian Guide to the Culture War.

Covid. Globalism. Cancel Culture. Gender and Transgender Confusion. Cultural Marxism. Authoritarian Government. The Rise of China. Climate Change. Black Lives Matter. The Great Reset. Feminism. Migration Crises. Immorality. ‘Safetyism’.

In this book and series The Fuel Project unfolds a Biblical theory by which to understand all these issues and more, explain why the political left and right are so divided, and help Christians navigate the times in which we live.

Additional important reading:

AMERICA UNDER SIEGE – The Marxists Dialectic




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